relentless is a series of photographs that capture the fierce and ongoing battle for LGBTQ+ rights.

Each picture features queer couples engaging in moments of conflict, pain and ultimately love. These staged confrontations symbolize the real and relentless struggles faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in our pursuit for equality and recognition.

This photographic series is a call to action. It challenges viewers to acknowledge the relentless fight for equality and to recognize the universal human rights that LGBTQ+ individuals are still denied. It urges solidarity, understanding, and, most importantly, continued activism. Through these images, the artist hope to inspire a collective commitment to carrying on the fight—for ourselves, for those who cannot, and for the generations to come.

relentless is not just about the conflicts we endure but also about the hope and determination that drive us forward. It is a visual testament to the power of unity and the unwavering belief that love, in all its forms, will ultimately prevail.

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